“Across the Pond” hosts authors, translators of nominated titles for 2022 Republic of Consciousness Prize!

We are thrilled to announce that “Across the Pond,” an acclaimed books podcast hosted by writer, bookstore owner Lori Feathers and author, publisher Sam Jordison, is producing an occasional podcast series highlighting fiction titles nominated for the 2022 Republic of Consciousness Prize for Small Presses in the United States and Canada.

Bookmark this page https://www.republicofconsciousnessprize-usa.com/blog to keep up with newly released podcast episodes!

Episode 36: Author Hans von Trotha and translator Elisabeth Lauffer discuss Pollak’s Arm (submitted by New Vessel Press)

Across the Pond: Ep. 36, Hans von Trotha & translator Elisabeth Lauffer, "Pollak's Arm" on Apple Podcasts


Open Letter Books’ submission “Wolfskin” featured on “Across the Pond” podcast


But for a Small Press, continued